In June, São Luís transforms into a large arraial (traditional Brazilian festival) where diverse popular expressions come to life. With an extensive schedule, the city is immersed in the beauty, sounds, colors, rhythms, and typical joy of Bumba Meu Boi groups, Tambor de Crioula, Portuguese dances, Cacuriá, and other attractions that collectively make São João de São Luís an unparalleled experience.
The cultural program focuses on arraials scattered throughout various regions of the city. In the Historic Center, at Praça Pedro II in front of the Palácio de La Ravardiere (City Hall headquarters) and at Praça Maria Aragão, a stage is set up with special sound and lighting to showcase cultural expressions and bring the magic of São João to the public.
Local groups and Bumba Meu Boi groups of all accents take the stage. In the city center, the celebration also takes place at Praça Nauro Machado (Praia Grande) and at Largo da Igreja de Santo Antônio. These spaces bring together people of all ages in a welcoming and safe environment, offering points of sale for typical foods, crafts, actions of the Itinerant Tourist Assistance Center (CAT), and at Praça Maria Aragão, visitors will find a fixed point with specialized services for tourists.
In São Luís, São João festivities are also concentrated in the arraials of Ipem, Ceprama, Vila Palmeira, Cohatrac, Liberdade, Anjo da Guarda, Vila Embratel, Estiva, Cidade Operária, Parque da Juçara (Maracanã), and many others. The popular celebrations at Largo de São Pedro and the meeting of Bois in João Paulo (Saint Marçal Day) are also other attractions of the June period.
Upon arriving during this period at Marechal Cunha Machado International Airport and at the Bus Terminal, visitors may be welcomed by the infectious rhythms of Bumba Meu Boi and Cacuriá. Through the Tourist Assistance Center (CAT) installed in the airport and bus terminal, tourists can gather information and immerse themselves in the vibrant culture of São João in São Luís.